Friday, October 28, 2005

Slowly getting back to normal

Hi, I know I haven't posted in a while, we have 2 new 4L kiddos here and getting them into the swing of how it works, well that will take a while. We got a new kitten during the adoption time at petsmart, and we just got the daughter of our dog too. so it is chaos here. Literally and figuratively, in all sense of the word.

My 6 yo has a girl friend, she gave him her number, and he had to learn how to call her. It was funny, but he scowls at the word that she is his girlfriend. hehhe..

I belong to some crochet groups and well sometimes you have to draw a deaf ear to some of the posts, especially if you really don't care one way or the other on the given subject. Lately it has been about the different yarns, who cares, I use what I can afford and that isn't saying much. I would love to make some of the items in the magazines but balk at paying 6.00 a ball and having to have anywhere from 10 to 15 balls to make one item. I just can't justify 60.00 to my dh to do that, so that will stay in the back burner unless my design business takes off but it is few and far between that things get bought. I just sold a scarf for 10 for the neighbor and have a craft fair to do in November which I have a partner in it so it saves on the cost of the booth.

Well gotta go get some dinner and check on the animals as they are a bit on the quiet side and have to see if they are tearing up the house while I have been writing this long passage of

My website is pictures soon or free patterns

Talk later,
Woodhill Crochet Design Studio

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