Guess what happened last night in my sleepy neighborhood….We had a car chase where the suspect’s car landed in my 5 foot ditch…at approx.~ 11:50am I heard the dogs sound weird.. My hubby was almost home at the time, which after seeing the car, I asked hubby where he was, thankfully he was still driving and was 15 minutes away…
Well about 3-7 miles down the road a car was clocked 16 over the speed limit, and when the state trooper put on his lights, the car started speeding away, miles over 100 at a time… and the dumbass driver turned down our main subdivision road and swerved into a couple of ditches and then went thru another’s driveway, flew around some trees in my neighbor’s back yard, hit their smaller ditch, went airborne into my 5 ft ditch…and the trooper tried to stop but slid into the first ditch… and what my neighbor’s thought was gun fire was the creaking of the doors as they got out of their vehicles…the state trooper had to kick his door to get out but they did not get the suspects right away…I hope to hear they got them soon… But they ran right past my door and kids rooms to the woods… I only saw the second officer on scene… I didn’t realize something happened until I realized the siren was not on my TV.. I was watching a show that did have some sirens on it… I ran to look thru and saw blue lights flashing in my kitchen window… and it freaked me out as hubby wasn’t home and I thought it was his car…Thank god it wasn’t…
So I got a wakeup about the nice 5 foot ditches, They can stop the car chase, but went to foot race, but at least they couldn’t go hurting anyone with the car… The dumbass suspects, left their cell phone(s) in the car and the cops had several leads just on that alone, and the car…
My ditch is just fine, just no grass there, nothing to worry me about… But I know the neighbor’s that really care about me and my safety though…The car with the lights on is the suspect car, the behind the open driver’s door is the cop car stuck in my neighbor’s ditch.. this was taken out of my garage…